
Oliver Coffman – Portfolio

Current as of 3/2/2022

Key Projects

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Scoring and Designing Sound for a Local Play.

This Mortal Life Also

Scoring, Sound Designing, and Engineering for the Angels Theatre Company.

The Mystery of Irma Vep A Penny Dreadful

Asst. Stage Managing and working on Sound Design for an OCP Production.


This Mortal Life Also

Scoring, Sound Designing, and Engineering for the Angels Theatre Company.

The Mystery of Irma Vep A Penny Dreadful

Asst. Stage Managing and working on Sound Design for an OCP Production.

Christmas In My Heart

Mixing and maintaining audio for a Christmas concert.

For more projects, scroll to See All Projects and filter by “Sound”

This Mortal Life Also

Scoring, Sound Designing, and Engineering for the Angels Theatre Company.

The Maids International Promo Video

Scoring an animated promotion for The Maids and Mr. Clean.


Scoring and Designing Sound for a Local Play.

For more projects, scroll to See All Projects and filter by “Composition”

The Color Purple

Focusing lights on the Hawks Mainstage (OCP)

Outside Mullingar

Assisting with light hang and sound design for Outside Mullingar


Hanging lights for the show Constellations in the Drew Blackbox (OCP)

For more projects, scroll to See All Projects and filter by “Lighting”

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My name is Oliver Coffman. I have been a musician for 10 years, a composer and producer for 8 year, a sound technician for 5 years, and a lighting technician for 2 years. Theatre and music are an integral part of my life and have lead me to a variety of fascinating, unexpected people and experiences. It is my intent to make this practice my career and explore what my creativity can realize along the way!

For further inquiry, send an email to the address music@okcoffman.com
